PROJECT WORK IN AUSTRALIA – BMB CREATING CAREER JOBS ONLINE BeMyBoss wanted to be more than just a job networking site or yet another job site, BMB’s aim was to be the Job Opportunities site where people can find their DREAM Career Job Online in the most simple, easy and FUN way. How could they help you find your dream career job online? By allowing you to have 3 different profiles AND ensure that only employers use the site!! That way you could create the profile you “should have” to get the bucks rolling in but have a secret Dream Career Job in our online database thereby putting yourself out there to be DISCOVERED! To register for project career jobs online is simple;
Personal information will never be shared unless you tell us to and only for project career jobs online (if that’s all you’re putting yourself out there for),
This is where you can have up to 3 profiles – 1 for your “Dream Career Job”, one for the career” Job I’m Willing To Do” tab and finally if you want an hourly paid job in the meantime, you can do that in the Temp & Trade section.
Remember, the more information you can give the better your chance of being discovered for that dream career online. If you still need help you can visit our Look Like a Pro and How it Works pages from the homepage. THE GORGON PROJECT – GETTING YOUR DREAM CAREER JOBS ONLINE The complexity and scale of this project is unprecedented and involves recovering gas from the Gorgon field which is Australia’s largest known gas resource. The development also involves building a gas refining and liquid natural gas plant on Barrow Island. The project is expected to cost $15-$20 Billion but expecting a return of $300 Billion in export earnings, long-term supply deals already signed with India, China, Japan and South Korea are said to be worth Billions. The project is expected to inject some $20 billion into the national economy boosting it for the next 40 years. The project is expected to support 10,000 direct and indirect careers / jobs in the peak construction phase and 3,500 direct and indirect careers / jobs throughout the life of the project." WA Premier Colin Barnett said. Arbib who is overseeing the skilled taskforce said that Australia desperately needed to train workers to fill 70,000 jobs which will become available, 60% of these being in WA. Mr McGowan stressed that "It is imperative that the Gorgon project produces as many local jobs as possible to reverse the tens of thousands of jobs that have been lost from the mining industry over the past 12 months," he said.
Mr Rudd stated "Importantly, the Gorgon project will ... be the world's biggest CO2 geological storage project," he said.
Skills / Qualifications Needed for Career Jobs found here Online in PROJECT MANAGEMENT OR PROJECT ADMINISTRAION CAREER CAREER JOBS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT plan, organise, direct, control and coordinate. Whether it be for the acquisition, development, maintenance and use of computer and telecommunication systems within organisations as an ICT project manager or the construction of civil engineering projects, buildings and dwellings, and the physical and human resources involved in building and construction as a Construction Project Manager. Skill Level: Registration or licensing may be required. JOBS IN CONTRACT, PROGRAM AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATION plan and undertake administration of contracts, organisational programs, special projects and support services. Indicative Skill Level:Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with an AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2). At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification. |