HOW TO GET VOLUNTEER WORK IN AUSTRALIATo stay with the integrity of why BeMyBoss was founded which is to help people in an area which has been predominantly painful, i.e. recruitment! BMB is proud to say that this site is free to not-for-profit organisations in support of all the wonderful volunteer work done in Australia. To register for volunteer work on the BMB site you need to;
Your personal information will never be shared with anyone other than for volunteer work (if that’s all your putting yourself out there for) and only ever at your request,
In this section you can complete up to 3 profiles, if you are only interested in volunteer work then complete either Dream Job tab or the Job I’m Willing To Do tab, selecting No Minimum Salary as volunteer work is free.
Remember, the more information you can give the better your chance of being selected for volunteer work. If you still need help you can visit our Look Like a Pro and How it Works pages from the homepage. WHO IS BETTER AT PRODUCING VOLUNTEER WORKERS?METROPOLIS VS REGIONAL VOLUNTEER WORK So it seems that living in the country brings out the best in people, what’s new! The latest studies have shown that volunteer work is highest in regional areas in complete contrast to their metropolitan counterparts. The volunteer work rate was 32% for capital cities overall compared with 38% outside the capital cities. People who live in regional areas are dedicated to their community and have a high degree of interdependence with a strong concern for survival by knowing they need to work together in order to achieve this. STATE VS STATE And so it would seem that the more you earn the less likely you are to give back, though it could also be said that the more you earn, the harder you work and the less time you have for volunteer work if the latest statistics are to go by. Here is a list of our Biggest Givers of their own time for volunteer work; TOP 5 VOLUNTEER WORK REGIONS;SA Country Tasmania/ACT/NT WA Country VIC Country NSW Country LAGGING BEHIND IN THE VOLUNTEER WORK STAKES IN ORDER OF CONTRIBUTION IS; QLD Country Melbourne Adelaide Brisbane Perth Sydney ARE MEN MORE LIKELY TO DO VOLUNTEER WORK OR ARE WOMEN BETTER GIVERS?And there you have it folks, in total women contribute 4% more to volunteer work than men here in Australia, not only do they participate in more volunteer work activities but they also contribute more hours too. AND HOW OLD ARE THE TOP VOLUNTEER WORK CONTRIBUTORS35 - 44 year olds volunteer workers secure top spot at a whopping 43% 45 - 54 year old volunteer workers follow in at 39% overall But even though our seniors aren’t in the top ranking, they sure are putting in solid volunteer work hours!! 65 - 84 year old volunteer workers put in on average 2 hours a week, and 65 - 84 year old volunteer workers contributing an average of 1.5 hours! ![]() SO WHY DO PEOPLE PARTICIPATE IN VOLUNTEER WORK?It’s good to know that the number 1 reason for volunteer work is helping others!! At 57% volunteer work is followed closely by other altruistic reasons such as personal satisfaction at 44% and being part of something worthwhile at 36% Other factors for volunteer work were;
WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO FIND VOLUNTEER WORKERS?Not surprisingly the best way to find someone for volunteer work is through word of mouth and being in a close community which resulted in over 52% of people joining the volunteer work network, the findings here say "Don’t Bother Advertising!!" Here are the stats;
What about job status? Surely if you’re not working you would contribute your time to volunteer work? Apparently not! Statistics show that 34% of full time and 44% of part time workers had a higher volunteer work contribution rate than those who were unemployed at a low 26%. It would seem though that for those employed people who did volunteer work time was precious with employed people giving on average 2.2 hours a week to volunteer work whilst unemployed providing an average of 2.5 hours of volunteer work. The clear winners in the volunteer work stakes seem to be those not even in the labour force including retiree’s who not only make up 30% of the volunteer workers but also provide 3.7 hours and 4.4 hours of voluntary work per week respectfully. WHAT DO VOLUNTEER WORKERS DO FOR A LIVING?It seems that higher education is synonymous with volunteer work contributions;
HOW DOES THE AVERAGE AUSTRALIAN HOUSEHOLD STACK UP FOR VOLUNTEER WORK CONTRIBUTIONS?Unsurprisingly, again it is females who are the highest volunteer workers (50%), surprisingly though it is those who have children who commit to volunteer work than those without (32%). The study also showed that it was parents who had children still in school did more volunteer work. 64% of mothers and 51% of fathers conducted volunteer work activities. What can you expect to be doing in volunteer work?There are so many functions needed by volunteer workers, we have detailed the top 5; Fundraising - 48% Preparing and serving food - 31% Teaching and providing information - 28% Administration - 26% Management - 23% BUT HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED IN VOLUNTEER WORK?Volunteer Work and Not for Profit Organisations in Australia There are many Not for Profit organisations who have all kinds of volunteer work on offer. We recommend putting your profile up on BeMyBoss as your first priority so that when organisations search for volunteer workers on our site you will come up on their search list. There are many very useful sites which can also help you in finding out what type of volunteer work may suit you; ensure your BeMyBoss profile reflects these goals. |