Research still indicates that a healthy and more balanced work environment has positive effects on productivity, staff loyalty and reduces staff turnover. According Holistic Services Group Australia the 2006/2007 Hewitt Associates Best Employers in Australia and New Zealand, the average profit growth for Best Employers was 4% higher than their counterparts who were the worst employers in Brisbane and around Australia. Employee commitment levels were 22% higher - this appears to be the fundamental key. The best Employers in Brisbane found that they have higher numbers within their companies who constantly speak positively about their company, who can't imagine working anywhere else, and who willingly exert extra effort on its behalf. Data from the study by Hewitt Best Employers in Australia and New Zealand suggests engaged employees will do more on behalf of their employers which in turn influences Brisbane Employers. States that 76% say 'This organisation motivates me to contribute more than is normally required to complete my work', while 53% of those in Other Organisations do, and 90% in Hewitt Best Employers, as opposed to 79% in Other Organisations say they are 'Motivated to do whatever work is required to help (the organisation) succeed'. This keenness translates into higher levels of customer service and benefits the employers in Brisbane. The report continues, "Technology enables people to remain connected to their colleagues and workplaces anytime, and from anywhere. More are working longer and harder than they have ever done. While those with 'talent'-the skills and abilities in demand-are making more money than they have ever made, increasing numbers are also questioning what it is all for? With long-term careers with employers in Brisbane not a given and less time seemingly available to spend with families, people and interests outside work, loyalty to an employer diminishes fast. Employees increasingly look to their employers for meaningful work that develops skills and knowledge that will enable future success-within the organisation, and outside it. With so much information available about other opportunities, it is easier than ever for employees to act on diminishing loyalty." Brisbane employers need to realise that workplace staff performance and productivity can be greatly improved by engaging your staff in the wellbeing process, and implementing a number of simple cost effective wellness initiatives. Employers in Brisbane states that the best employer based in Brisbane by rank, company, number of employees, industry sector, location of head office is, BMD Group 1194 Construction Brisbane |